The Compleat Traveller in Black is a collection of short stories, written in a fantasy vein, by John Brunner. The first edition, titled The Traveler in Black, had only four stories ("Imprint of Chaos," " Break the Door of Hell," "The Wager Lost by Winning," and "The Dread Empire") and was issued in 1971 in the Ace Science Fiction Specials line. Unspecified stories were rewritten for this book.[1] Later editions of the collection, with additional stories, include The Compleat Traveller in Black.
The series deals with a nameless protagonist, who "has many names but only one nature" and who bears a staff of curdled light, held together by interesting forces, travelling through a landscape in which Order and Chaos are in conflict. With this, and the powers invested in him by "the One for whom all things are neither possible or impossible", he is enabled to counter Chaos, although he must do so in answer to the spoken wishes of the people around him, always with consequences they did not intended and often to their detriment. As an example, the Traveler hears the wish of a skilled assassin that he could get the fame to which his expertise should entitle him. Are not all great artists admired and respected? Is he not the cunningest hand with dagger, garotte, and subtle poison? The Traveller replies, as usual: "As you wish, so be it." The following morning, the Traveller finds the assassin's body on a dunghill: his crimes have been discovered and properly credited to him; and he has received the execution the law prescribes.
The Traveller's ultimate purpose is to reduce the power of Chaos, and thus the utility of magic, until everything should have a single nature. As he works, person after person, city after city move from the realm of Chaos into the realm of Order, and thus from Eternity into Time. When he reaches his goal in the last page of the final story, his role reverses and he becomes the actor that will change Order back to Chaos, implying that the cycle is eternal.